Sunday, October 16, 2016

October 16, 2016

October 16, 2016

Good-Bye, This Is Me and What I Believe!
Our final students presented last week for This Is Me and What I Believe.  I was consistently impressed throughout the unit with each student's level of preparation and presentation.  Additionally, the follow up writing paragraphs became increasingly better, with use of transition vocabulary and elaboration all embedded within a well structured paragraph. Students will self-select two pieces of writing from their books this coming week to be assessed, based on a writing rubric which evaluates writing structure, content and neatness.

Hello, Remarkable People Through History Unit!
Now that our work related to This Is Me and What I Believe is over, we will make a natural transition into learning about people other than those in Class 216.  Instead, students will engage in a social studies unit that will integrate reading, writing, speaking, and listening.  Our new unit, titled "Remarkable People Through History," revolves around a genre of text called, narrative non-fiction.  Essentially, the books students interact with are biographies of remarkable individuals, told in narrative style (story).  This genre will make history sound like a story, rather than a bunch of facts.  Students will think deeply about the struggles and challenges individuals through history have faced and what that tells us about the time period in which they lived.  They will consider WHY these people are so remarkable, and what impact they had on the world.  Already, we have heard two books about remarkable people - one about "Peg Leg Bates," and the other about Annie Edson Taylor.

Veteran's Day Parade
It is somewhat of a tradition at UES for 3rd grade students to participate in Montpelier's Veteran's Day Parade.  Also, 3rd graders research someone who has served in the armed forces, and create a Veteran VIP poster, to carry during the parade.  Part of the preparation for this project will be done at home, so please be on the lookout for the assignment.

Parent-Teacher Conference Dates
On November 3rd and 4th, we will have the opportunity to meet and discuss your child's work, well-being and progress at school.  Be on the lookout for info regarding conference times.

ECO Hiking Adventure -Insect Hotels
This past week, we took an ECO Hiking Adventure to Hubbard park, where our main activity was building "Insect Hotels."  Our ECO lesson, before we set off on our adventure, was based on the question, Where do insects go during the cold months?  We learned that different insects do different things - migrate, hibernate (dormant phase), die, overwinter as larva, egg, pupa, nymph.  Many insects dwell in tight spaces, with protective covering.  Students got creative with their "insect hotels," as they created mini spaces for insects to retreat to during the winter, fully equipped with diving boards, living rooms, decks, bedrooms, etc.  Take a look at a few. Our next ECO date is Friday, October 21st.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

October 2, 2016

Class 216 News
October 2, 2016

This Is Me and What I Believe
Our student presentation series has been going very well.  Everyone has been coming in well-prepared to deliver an informative and engaging presentation.  While it is not a requirement, the use of computer generated slide shows has been impressive.  They are using useful tech skills.  This coming week, Bella and Emily will present, and next week, Olivia, Peter and Camden will finish things off.

Picture Retake Day
If you did not like the way your child's photo turned out, or your child was absent, Picture Retake Day is Thursday, October 20th.  Please contact the Main Office for more info.

ECO Dates
Our Friday, ECO Hiking Adventure dates are tentatively set:
October 13
October 21
November 4
November 18
December 2
December 16

Math Workshop
In math workshop, students are developing routines.  Typically, a math workshop might look like this:
1.  Whole Class Count Bys (3's, 4's)
2.  Fast Facts or Math Card Game
3.  Main Lesson
4.  Practice
5.  Strategy Based Board Games or Math Designs (Pattern Blocks/Rods)
During the main lesson these past couple weeks, students are strengthening their conceptual understanding of multiplication.

Reading Workshop
Ms. Slesar continues to engage students in reading mini-lessons before setting them off for independent reading practice.  While students read independently, they are encouraged to engage in some of the reading skills they may be learning about - visualizing, questioning, inferring, etc.  At this time, while students read to themselves, Ms. Slesar has been reading with kids individually, assessing their reading skills, using a tool called, "Fountas and Pinnell Reading Assessment.  It includes hearing a student read aloud for accuracy and fluency, allowing them time to finish their text in their head, and then having a "comprehension conversation" with them.

Field Trips

This coming Thursday, October 6th, 3rd graders will be on another field trip.  This time, we will culturally engage in an experience at the Flynn Theater in Burlington.  It is called, Rennie Harris:  Puremovement.  The first professional hip-hop dance company in the world, RHPM is devoted to challenging the stereotypes of hip-hop as a violent, undisciplined counter-culture. Instead, their exciting educational program honors the vivid living history of the global hip-hop phenomenon and celebrates its potential to make ongoing and meaningful contributions to American and world culture. This multimedia event, half illustration through historical film footage and half dance performed to the beats of a live DJ, traces the evolution of contemporary hip-hop from its roots in African ritual through the diverse influences of African American, Afro-Brazilian, Afro-Cuban, and Puerto Rican cultures and ancient traditions.

The 3rd grade hiking field trip to Osmore Pond at New Discovery State Park was a great success.  The varying hikes provided just right opportunities for all levels of hikers.  The weather cooperated, we had good chaperone turnout, and the kids really seemed pleased with the overall experience.  Here is an image of a group of 3rd grade hikers atop Big Deer Mountain.